Corporate Social Responsibility

Any business entity grows, evolves and gains success interacting with the society which it is a part of so with their consistant efforts. It's incumbent upon the organization to serve the society and make it better.

Ours is an organization of social concern. We are committed to the cause of using environment-friendly operating practices. This is demonstrated through the following objectives:

  • Complying with or exceeding all applicable governmental regulations.
  • Reducing and preventing pollution, including minimizing travel by promoting telework and alternative commuting options.
  • Thriving for paperless and truthful advertising.
  • Education for the under privileged.
  • Annual tree plantation drive.

  • CO2 Emission Control

    We harp on using carriers like CMA / MAERSK / ONE / HAPPAG, who use non-conventional fuel. For domestic trucking we insist on using Vehicles with green energy like CNG/LPG/Electric Vehicles.

    Gender diversity & Women Safety

    We aim to have 30-40% female employees thereby supporting our pledge of Women empowerment and gender equality.